Bisexual and Biracial: The Challenges of Dating While Fetishized
By Cleo Falvey Just as my Tinder date leaned in to give me a hug at the end of our eight-hour long first date, she said, “Just so you know, I have an Asian fetish, so I’m super thrilled you’re Asian.” Newly eighteen, lonely, and desperate not to ruin my first real queer relationship, I […]
The Affirming Power of Research for Bi+ People
By Eva Bisexual people deserve to be included in sexual health research. To be fair, as a research lab coordinator for a queer men’s sexual health lab, a researcher by training, and bisexual gal myself, I might be a bit biased, but I doubt it. It’s no secret that academia has a deep history of […]
Interview with Maxxx Pleasure, Drag King of the Year
In addition to being the 2018 winner of Brooklyn Nightlife Award for Drag King of the year, he is the real-life star of Maxxx, a charming and honest short documentary about coming into his own in Brooklyn drag, and a nightlife producer whose latest Drag King revue, “Men Are Trash,” (co-produced with Brooklyn trio The Nobodies) will be at Gold Sounds on November 30th. You can keep up with his latest shows by following him on Instagram or Twitter.
Why We Should All Live in The Feels’ Brave House

Co-created by bisexual actress and advocate Sara Ramirez, with additional writing from Shantira Jackson and Ianne Fields Stewart, Brave House is an extraordinary glimpse into three characters, non-binary S, trans feminine Nina, and trans masc Lenny as they attempt to create a loving, open, non-traditional household.
Tri(bi)ca Pick: Changing the Game tells trans teens’ stories with dignity – an interview with EP Alex Schmider

In light of the recent media flurry surrounding The Court of Arbitration in Sport’s (CAS) ruling against runner Caster Semenaya (a cisgender female Olympic runner whose naturally heightened testosterone levels were deemed an unfair advantage), it is clear that the social advocacy bent of Changing the Game is necessary. To continue the conversation on trans representation, and conscientious filmmaking, BRC interviewed Changing the Game’s Executive Producer Alex Schmider.
Tri(bi)ca Pick: A Preview of the Complicated Queerness in Vida’s Second Season

Lest Vida go the way of One Day at a Time (a quandry yet to be resolved or even illuminated by the ultra-secret business dealings at Netflix), Colindrez encourages everyone and their mothers to tune in. And if this “niche” show (a term that Prada had to break herself from subscribing to) doesn’t hook viewers with it queerness, they can take their pick of other themes. Pervasive patriarchy, shifting sibling relationships, sex-positivity and sex-exhaustion, communal healing, brujería, and cats all have meaningful places in this universe.
Finding Queer Identity Through TV Representation
By Charmee Taylor Deep deep in the dark closet with only fear of anyone knowing, truly, who I am, I’m under my blanket in my apartment in Echo Park. It’s a Saturday and the LA sun comes up. I pull out my laptop and open it to a HelloGiggles article that I peruse and “Brown […]
Bisexual Microaggressions in Medical Contexts
By Heather Stewart, MA Bisexual or “bi” identified people are a significant portion of the larger LGBTQ+ community, with studies suggesting they make up just over half of the larger LBGTQ+ population. Within the bi community itself, there is substantial diversity as well. For example, “bisexual” is the sexual orientation category most self-identified by trans […]
Overlapping Flags: Loving Beyond the Gay/Straight Binary
By Ellyn Ruthstrom I was gathering with a group of LGBTQ activists outside the Trump Hotel in Washington, DC for a dance party on a global-warming-kind-of-day in January 2018. The action was to thumb our noses at the horror that had taken over the White House the previous year and to make the statement that […]
Lessons from the Field: What We Are Learning About Representation from Black Bi+ Men
By H. “Herukhuti” Sharif Williams and David J. Cork In 2016, we started the amazing task of documenting the stories of Black men on what it is to be sexually fluid in the United States. Black bi+ cisgender and transgender men as well as gender non-conforming people living within the complex spectrum of masculinities have […]