Content Writers Needed

Request for Proposals: Content Writer 2020

The Bisexual Resource Center works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources, support, and celebration. Through this work, we envision an empowered, visible, and inclusive global community for bi+ people. In our 35th year, we have endeavored to expand our online resource library and printed pamphlet resources to cover more varied and relevant topics to bisexual+ people and the people who care about them. To this end, we are inviting our community to take part in this work with us.

We are seeking writers to craft a short overview guide of a topic related to the bi+ community. Those interested in applying for this funded opportunity should propose 1-2 topics that they have some knowledge of or experience in. More information about what kinds of subjects we are looking for, and how and what to submit, can be found below.

The BRC will select proposals that align with our current gaps in resources. Some example topics include:

  • Black or BIPOC bisexual+ experiences and resources
  • Immigrant/refugee bisexual+ experiences and resources
  • Information for families of bisexual+ people
  • Coming out to your partner/coming out later in life
  • Intersections of religion/culture and bisexuality
  • Bisexuality and parenting
  • Pansexual experiences and resources
  • Trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming experience and resources

Brochures we have done in the past can be found at We will not be selecting proposals for subjects we have already covered at this time.

Deliverables: A brochure overview of the topic (approximately 500-700 words) and a web resource version (500-1,000 words).

Responsibilities: The writer will be responsible for researching and writing the content; the BRC will be responsible for design, hosting, and final approval.

Compensation: Each writer will be compensated $500.00 for each completed topic.

Deadline: Requests received before November 1 will be considered for the first round of funding; we hope to have further rounds of funding available in the future. The product would be expected to be complete by April 2021.
Proposals from BIPOC writers will be given priority.

To Apply: Email with the following information:

  • Your name, your pronouns, and any of your intersecting identities you’d like to share
  • What experience do you have with the bisexual+ community?
  • What topic(s) are you interested in writing for the BRC?
  • Why are you the right person to write this material?
  • Why is this topic important to the bi+ community right now?
  • On what timeline could you complete this project?

Please attach or link to a writing sample. This could include academic, professional, or personal writing such as blogs, essays, or other organized writing samples.