“Invisible Majority: The Disparities Facing Bisexual People and How to Remedy Them”, The Movement Advancement Project (MAP):
This 2016 report illustrates how, while more than half of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community identifies as bisexual, bisexual people experience alarming rates of invisibility, societal rejection, violence, discrimination, and poor physical and mental health—often at rates higher than their lesbian and gay peers.
“Understanding Issues Facing Bisexual Americans”,The Movement Advancement Project (MAP):
To coincide with Celebrate Bisexuality Day 2014, BRC and BiNet USA partnered with MAP to help disseminate the new report that highlights the severe physical and mental health and economic disparities that the bisexual community experiences. The report also makes recommendations to improve research, bi visibility and encourages LGBTQIA+ organizations to become culturally competent on bi community issues.
“Supporting and Caring for Our Bisexual Youth”, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC):
This report highlights findings about bisexual youth that it gathered from its 2012 survey of 10,000 LGBTQIA+ youth. shares important information about social disengagement, differences around coming out, lack of knowledge about programs and services that target LGBTQIA+ youth, and much more. Many of the findings coincide with research about bisexual adults, so we can see how early some of these trends begin. HRC is launching the report with the support of the BRC and BiNet USA.
UK’s Open University Bisexual Report.
Thanks to a persistent Spanish bi activist, these two great reports are now accessible to Spanish-speakers worldwide.
This directory of bisexually-aware therapists is listed alphabetically by state. Please note that some of these listings might not be current.
This Is Our Community: Bisexual Anti-Stigma Campaign, Rainbow Health Ontario:
This poster campaign focuses on biphobia and highlights four groups within the bi community that have been particularly marginalized: bisexual mothers, trans bisexuals, bisexuals of color and bisexual youth.
Fact sheet about bisexual health, Rainbow Health Ontario:
Details some of the health disparities and suggests more areas research is needed into bisexual health.
Bisexual People in the Workplace: practical advice for employers, Stonewall Organization in Great Britain:
This report includes issues for bisexual staff, tips on how to develop effective policy and procedures, and how to engage bisexual employees.
Bisexual Invisibility: Impacts and Recommendations, The LGBT Advisory Committee of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission:
This 2011 report gives the community at large important information about how bisexual invisibility is perpetuated and how it detrimentally effects the community’s mental and physical health.
The Monosexual Privilege Checklist, Radical Bi blog
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS)
This was released in January 2013 and gives the most detailed data ever on how partner violence affects women’s lives, with results broken down by sexual orientation. The numbers don’t lie: Nearly half of bisexual women, 1 in 8 lesbians, and 1 in 6 straight women have experienced rape at some point in their lifetime. These statistics are significant because we can see how bi women’s experience is distinct from women of other orientations and the urgent need to address partner violence within the bi community.
The Bisexuality Report: Bisexual Inclusion in LGBT Equality and Diversity, Open University:
This 2012 report informed UK policy and practice on LGBT equality in relation to the inclusion of bisexuality and issues specific to bisexual people. The report includes key recommendations to enhance bi representation in education, workplace, sports, media, and other important areas.
Study, George Mason University:
This study showed that bisexual women suffer more from health risk factors than males. Researcher Lisa Lindley is looking for the reasons behind this disparity. “Bisexuals are often invisible,” she says. “There’s a lot of prejudice against them. They’re told ‘You’re confused — pick one.’ There tends to be this expectation or standard that a person picks one sexual identity and sticks with it. I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding about bisexuals. I think their risk has a lot more to do with stigma.”
Various Resources, Northwestern University:
Researchers released findings in 2011 that updates and contradicts earlier research that suggested that bisexual men couldn’t be sexually aroused by more than one sex. The new research made a more concerted effort to recruit men who identified strongly as bisexual and had been in relationships with men and women. The New York Times led the media frenzy created by the new findings. Though obviously pleased that the information was positive this time, the Bisexual Resource Center and others in the community already feel very confident that bisexual men exist.