A Reflection: A Decade of Being Out as Bisexual

By Denarii Grace, Bisexual Resource Center board member Okay – not quite a decade, but almost! On October 11th, 2007, I came completely out as bisexual. October 11th is recognized in the U.S. as National Coming Out Day. According to the Human Rights Campaign’s website, it’s a 29-year-old day of observance that “celebrate[s] coming […]
5 Tips for When Coming Out As Bi+ Goes Badly

By Codi Coday, President of PAVES (Polysexual Alliance for Visibility, Education, and Support) Originally published at PAVES. Republished, with edits, with permission. The first person I came out to as bisexual, my best friend at the time, said something along the lines of “Ew gross!” and never spoke to me again. It absolutely crushed 18-year-old me, who had […]
Closer To Fine: What Bisexual and Queer Friendships Taught Me
By Shivani Seth As someone who comes from a pretty tight-knit South Asian family, community and social relationships have always been concepts that I’ve thought about and talked about. Community is one of the cornerstones of my understanding of the world. However, even though I came out as bisexual almost 12 years ago, I didn’t […]
Born Flexible: Celebrating the Diversity of Trans Experience

By Misha Grifka The concept of a person being “born this way” has proved an effective political tool for LGBTQIA+ rights, a rallying cry on the lips of everyone from activists and politicians to artists like Lady Gaga. The idea that we can’t choose our sexuality likely played a significant role in the recent advances […]
It’s Not a Phase…or Can it Be?

In the BRC online store, we sell buttons and t-shirts that say, “It’s not a phase, it’s my life.” A lot of folks have expressed how comforting this phrase is, amid a world where bisexuality is still seen as an in-between identity, like an interstate rest stop between gay and straight. Too many of us […]