Performing Bisexuality: Am I Performing for Male Attention?

By Clara Schwarz Is my bisexuality merely a performance for male attention? That is a question I have been asking myself frequently, although the occasions became rarer, over the course of my young adult life. Growing up as a bisexual teenager in the 2000s, I didn’t see much queer representation in the media or anywhere […]
5 Tips for When Coming Out As Bi+ Goes Badly

By Codi Coday, President of PAVES (Polysexual Alliance for Visibility, Education, and Support) Originally published at PAVES. Republished, with edits, with permission. The first person I came out to as bisexual, my best friend at the time, said something along the lines of “Ew gross!” and never spoke to me again. It absolutely crushed 18-year-old me, who had […]
Seeking Writers for Bi+ Health Awareness Month Blog Posts

It’s that time of year again! The Bisexual Resource Center is preparing for our fourth annual Bi+ Health Awareness Month! It is held every year in March, since 2014. This year’s theme is social health, which encompasses relationships with family, friends, and sexual and/or romantic partners, as well as finding bi+ community and support. We […]
Caring for Bisexual+ Homeless Youth
Today Bisexual Health Awareness Month provides action steps for homeless shelters and social service providers working with bisexual+ youth A higher percentage of bisexual students reported running away from home one or more times compared to their gay and straight peers. In addition, more bisexual youth stated they were homeless because of physical abuse by […]
Supporting Bisexual+ Youth in School
Today Bisexual Health Awareness Month highlights ways to support and protect bisexual+ youth at school. A recent report found that 37% of gender-expansive youth are verbally harassed at school, and another report found that 44% of bisexual youth were bullied about their weight or physical appearance one or more times during the past month. In […]
Boosting Bisexual+ Competency for Healthcare Providers
Today Bisexual Health Awareness Month provides action steps for healthcare professionals who treat youth in order to boost their bisexual+ competency. Bisexual youth are less likely than gay and lesbian youth to disclose to their physician about their sexuality. Therefore, there are many ways that healthcare providers can better care for their bisexual+ (e.g. bisexual, […]
Supporting Bisexual+ Youth at Home
This week Bisexual Health Awareness Month focuses on action steps at home, in school, and within communities for better supporting bisexual+ youth. Today’s post provides tips for parents and guardians! With low coming out rates, bisexual+ (e.g. bisexual, pansexual, queer, no label) youth need more support and affirmation, starting at home from parents, guardians, and […]
Mental Health Resources
On the last day of this week, Bisexual Health Awareness Month promotes mental health resources for bisexual+ youth. Bisexual+ (e.g. bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer, no label) youth often experience higher levels of mental health issues than their gay and straight peers, including suicidality, substance use disorders, depression, and anxiety. Therefore, it is important to connect […]
Resources for Building Safer Spaces
Today Bisexual Health Awareness Month aims to provide resources on building safer, more inclusive spaces for bisexual+ youth! Unfortunately, bisexual+ youth are often told that their sexual identities “don’t exist” or are “just a phase.” This biphobia and bisexual erasure causes a lot of harm, distress, and invalidation. Therefore, it’s important to recognize and address […]
Bullying and Interpersonal Violence Resources
Today’s Bisexual Health Awareness Month focus is on bullying and interpersonal violence resources for bisexual+ youth. In one study, 44% bisexual youth reported being bullied about physical appearance one or more times during past month, and a report by the Human Rights Campaign found that 37% of gender-expansive youth were verbally harassed at school. In […]