Abortion is a Bi+ Issue

As if striking down Roe v. Wade wasn’t bad enough, the Dobbs Supreme Court case implied that the next judicial attack would be on LGBTQ rights. While that threat should concern the queer community, we need to understand that a ban on reproductive rights directly affects queers of all stripes, and none more than bisexuals.
The Top Eight Ways the BRC Built Bi+ Community in 2022

By Jessica Podkalicki We have come a long way since we started as an affiliate in 1983. This year has been a banner year for the Bisexual Resource Center. What did we do this year? Glad you asked. My name is Jess and I am the Program and Operations Coordinator at the BRC. It was […]
Celebrating Pansexual Pride

By Diane Billas I never used to tell people I was pansexual; it was just easier to say I was bi. Recently I’ve stopped this practice in favor of actually expressing how I identify. If I identify as pansexual, shouldn’t I be able to state that? And if someone doesn’t understand, it’s a good teaching […]
World AIDS Day – Celebration or Remembrance?

By Khafre Kujichagulia Abif I can remember the first time I acknowledged World AIDS Day in my own journey. Having been diagnosed in 1989, I lived my life in silence. I hadn’t told my MaDear, my sisters or even my best friend. It was in 1991 that I shared my status with the woman I […]
Finding words to process the wave of anti-LGBTQ antagonism and violence

By Helen Parshall The most interesting interview I’ve ever had started with a simple question: Do you consider yourself to be a writer or a journalist? I was at the journalism career fair in my final semester of graduate school, trying to figure out where I wanted to take my career once my masters was […]
Queer Parenting and Sex Education

By Meredith Worthen My daughter was born just a year after the conservative red state where we live passed marriage equality. My partner and I were elated that she was going to grow up with the opportunity to marry whomever she wants (or of course, not marry anyone if she doesn’t want to). But as […]
Nurturing Our Bi+ Identities with StillBisexual, Part 5

Our partner, StillBisexual, asked followers how they honor their bi+ identity. Here’s the fourth installment of their responses Crystal To nurture my bi identity I like to watch queer films, especially ones that feature lesbian or bisexual women’s relationships. It’s important because growing up I never saw that side of me represented positively. Chris I […]
Nurturing Our Bi+ Identities with StillBisexual, Part 4

Our partner, StillBisexual, asked followers how they honor their bi+ identity. Here’s the fourth installment of their responses Jessie I always correct people when they called me a lesbian or refer to myself and my partner as ‘the lesbians’ (‘actually, I’m bi!’), which has become a bit of a running joke in my friendship group. […]
Nurturing Our Bi+ Identities with StillBisexual, Part 3

Our partner, StillBisexual, asked followers how they honor their bi+ identity. Here’s a third installment of they’re responses Xienna My favorite ways to nurture my bi+ identity are to consume bi+ content such as music by bi+ artists like Jessie Paege or Lucy and La Mer, and tv shows and movies that feature bi+ characters […]
Nurturing Our Bi+ Identities with StillBisexual, Part 2

Our partner, StillBisexual, asked followers how they honor their bi+ identity. Here’s another installment of what they’ve said. Kendall I love going out and about with my bi flag baseball cap. Nothing feels better than having a stranger compliment my hat — it helps me feel less alone and see that my community and allies […]